Strawberry { jam } from Scratch 

I have so many fresh strawberries stored in the refrigerator from last shopping. I decided to preserve them like "jam" but not very thick, so that I can have the options to mix with other things, such as  Ice Soda Strawberry Drink, strawberry light jam on pancake or on ice cream...

The easy { homemade } ingredients are only :
2 pounds Fresh Strawberry 
1 1/2  cup White fine sugar 
4 oz Lemon Juice
1 oz Salt * use only for cleaning process & draining the moist out 
fresh strawberry - cleaned & drained the water

sliced Strawberry mixed in sugar & a bit salt

I sliced the cleaned strawberry and leave the salt on for 1 mins, then I run them in cold water and leave it to drain. After replace them in a container, I mix them with sugar and a little lemon juice. Keep in refrigerator right the way. 
I actually often stop only on this process and eat them like that for next day. But.. If sometime wanting it to be saved longer, I make the Jam.

First way, with sliced strawberry, sugar and lemon, bring them to boil in mid-heat, then stir often. This way the texture is still juicy and taste more on Strawberry pieces.
Boiling Strawberry with sugar & lemon juice 
 Second way of processing, You can take the cleaned strawberry to crush in the food processor, like juice. and then, boil in with sugar and lemon. It would be thicker. But if you want it to be thick like Jam spread, mix a bit of jelly or pectin (pack) when boiling, and wait until it is forming, keep stirring.

the completed Jam while waiting it to cool down

Strawberry Jam, thicker if adding with jelly package
I use it mixing with soda or Ginger Ale or mint & cucumber for cold drinks

I did not give the whole details of steps, but I could if you want them.

Sweet Day and Cheer !

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